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24 jun 20213 minuten om te lezen
How is a stake pool selected to mint a block? Slot Lottery Explained.
How is a stake pool selected to mint a block? Slot Lottery Explained.
73 weergaven
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24 mei 20212 minuten om te lezen
How fixed & margin pool fees affect Cardano delegators?
How fixed & margin pool fees affect cardano delegators?
122 weergaven
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13 mei 20211 minuten om te lezen
When will I receive rewards after staking my ADA?
When will I receive rewards after staking my Ada
52 weergaven
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11 mei 20211 minuten om te lezen
What are the risks of staking your ADA?
What are the risks of staking your Ada?
186 weergaven
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27 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
How to Setup a Ledger Hardware Wallet and the lingo you need to understand
How to Setup a Ledger Hardware Wallet and the lingo you need to understand
8 weergaven
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25 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
How to Setup a Trezor Hardware Wallet and the lingo you need to understand
How to Setup a Trezor Hardware Wallet and the lingo you need to understand. Cardano Explained Without Jargon & Within 199 words
19 weergaven
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22 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
How to Buy and Stake Your ADA
How to Buy and Stake your ADA.
Cardano Explained Without Jargon & Within 199 words
43 weergaven
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9 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
#1 - Blog Series: Introduction
Introducing the Blog Series "Cardano Explained without Jargon & Within 199 Words". Read what you can expect from these series.
3 weergaven
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9 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
#2 - Cardano's Vision & Mission
Cardano's Vision & Mission - Explained Without Jargon & Within 199 words
5 weergaven
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9 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
3# - Cardano's Triangle of Mathematicians
Cardano, Ada and Lovelace - Explained Without Jargon & Within 199 words
8 weergaven
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9 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
4# - What is Blockchain and why is it cool
What is Blockchain - Explained Without Jargon & Within 199 words
2 weergaven
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9 apr 20211 minuten om te lezen
Mnemonic device to help estimate the odds of your stake pool finding blocks
Cardano Explained Without Jargon & Within 199 words
58 weergaven
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